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Boost Converter Module Connectors
Input and Output


The Boost converter module is available in both a 5 volt and a 12 volt version. It is an easy and reliable "plug and play" solution to boost from 3V to 5V or to 12V. The Boost converter has been designed with heat dissapation in mind. The picture below displays the Thermal Image of the boost converter taken after 3 hours of operation. The input voltage was at 3 volts with an output voltage of 5 volts at 3 amperes (15watts).It can be seen that the temperature of the components remain in a perfectly usable range even without heatsinks.
Thermal Image Boost Converter


  • Great for stepping up single lithium ion battery voltages from 3.7 volts to a more usable 5 volts (For 5 volt module version).
  • Great for stepping up single lithium ion battery voltages from 3.7 volts to 12 volts (For 12 volt module version).


  • Provides stable power.
  • High efficiency power conversion from 85% to 95%.
  • High current capability, up to 3 amperes for 5 volt version and 1 ampere for 12 volt version.
  • Regulated output voltage, 5.2 volts for 5 volt version and 12 volts for 12 volt version.
  • Low noise and output ripple, 20mV at 2 amperes.
  • Output over current protection.


Parameter Minimum Maximum
Dimensions in (mm) Length / Width / Height Length = 49.5mm / Width = 48mm / Height = 8.5mm Length = 50mm / Width = 48.5mm / Height = 9mm
Input Power Demand / Voltage / Current 30Watts / 2.7 volts / 10 Amperes 30Watts / 5 volts / 7 Amperes
5v version Output Power / Voltage / Current <15Watts / 5.1 volts / <3 Amperes 21.2Watts / 5.3 volts / 4 Amperes
12v version Output Power / Voltage / Current <15Watts / 12 volts / <1 Amperes 18.15Watts / 12.1 volts / 1.5 Amperes
Power Conversion Efficiency % 85 % at 2 amperes of output current (5v version) 95 % at 1 ampere of output current (5v version)
Input Over Current Protection 9.5 Amperes 10.5 Amperes
Output Noise and Ripple @2 Amperes 10mV (Peak to Peak) 20mV (Peak to Peak)
Operational Input Voltage range 3 volts 5 volts

*note* All measurements were made using power supply model:GPC-3020 and a Tektronix model:TDS3054 oscilliscope